Our Process

In our targeted program we undertake a complete assessment of your child's language levels to assess the specific level at which they currently are. 

We next work with you and your child to understand their learning style as well as the precise characteristics under which learning in optimal for them.  After this process, we then coach you and your child on the specific techniques they  need to employ when studying in order to maximize their outcomes.  

Once your child's language levels have been understood and they are armed with their established personalized study system; we will next start their  learning program which involves a targeted learning of the fundamental aspects of the English language with a system that will encourage mastery in the shortest amount of time.

After mastery of the basics, we target areas of weakness specific to you child and work with them in listening, speaking, and/or writing (depending on their specific needs) to bring them to the level of mastery in an efficient and targeted way.

Our Programs

Book Club

Reading is one of the best ways to learn a language. Discussing books in a group setting will help students learn new words and phrases to express themselves more accurately and precisely. Our book club members read interesting and fun books that prepare them for overall success as they improve their English speaking, and reading confidence.

Students are separated according their English comprehension levels. We aim for a class size of 6 to 8 students for each group. Then, in consultation with their teacher, select one book for the semester. The teacher will assist in helping students choose a book that is recommended for their English language level of but that is still challenging and with themes and in genres that the students enjoy. 

Book club is fun and engaging, we look forward to seeing you there!

Academic Writing

This course is for more advanced students who may be enrolled in an English based scholastic program and need support with academic writing.

This course will prepare you to succeed in your English based course. You will learn how to do scholastic writing and how to properly articulate your views in an academic manner. All of the knowledge you've learned over the course of these lessons will culminate in an academic research paper on a subject of your choosing in the final Capstone Project.


Conversational English

This course will prepare you to master conversational English skills in your daily life and improve your ability to communicate in English in a wide range of daily situations, becoming more fluent and confident in using the language. 

The course is divided into modules that cover a variety of topics, such as:

1.Meeting new people, individuals in your life, dining at home and eating out, the purpose for learning English, good and bad moments, and hobbies

2.Emotions, health, education, university life, cultural differences, and cities

3.Education, etiquette, personal communication, life purpose, cultural studies, and life science.

4.Art, man and nature, social concerns, engineering and technology, psychology, economics, and management are some of the topics covered.

Accent reduction

We will practice actual language scenarios through oral exercises, reading aloud, mini-presentations, and vibrant, interactive discussions, with an emphasis on speaking clearly and increasing self-confidence so that you may fully engage in conversations whenever and wherever you choose.

We will begin with a diagnostic evaluation of your spoken English to determine your specific areas of difficulty in speaking or reading aloud, and then proceed to learning the consonants, vowels, diphthongs, and tricky clusters and combinations that typically do not occur in other languages, such as /sh/, /ch/, /th/, /zh/, /ft/, /str/, /ng/, to name a few! We'll also practice stress, phrasing, pace, and intonation, which all contribute to the "song" and rhythm of spoken English